Saturday, May 19, 2012

What we hold in our hearts

"Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind" Psalm 26:2

It is natural for all of us to worry about our physical well being. That is why we make sure to keep up with our check ups and follow up to see all our medical exams come back OK.

Sometimes, we forget about what is really important, what we carry inside, the things that make us up as a person.

We all agree the heart is a vital organ. It is essential to maintain the circulation and oxygenation of blood. If the heart doesn't carry its function, the body fails at a cellular level and eventually deteriorates.

On these verses, the Psalmist is talking about the importance of the heart; although he is not talking about the proverbial muscle. He is talking about our soul and mind.

The Psalmist is asking God to help him understand his own heart, he even asks of God to put him to the test. I mean, who in their right mind asks for that?

Simple: someone who is sure of his belief system and his worth as a person.

Through a relationship with God, we will better understand the processes of life and sometimes in times of trial is when we really find our mettle, the stuff we are made of, so to speak. We show what we hold in our hearts.

God does not gives us grief, He is the author of all beauty. However, as part of our growth we go through unseasonable experiences and even in those moments God is holding us and watching us, looking at what lies within ourselves. It is easy to be happy and smile at life when everything is perfect, but when it isn't, can we do the same?

Its easy to follow when everything is fine, but loyalty and worship in a moment of trial is worth a thousand words. Even if the disposition of our hear is shaken for a brief moment, we must always find within it our ability to be grateful.

God will visit your life for it, because even through moments of trial you are thankful and He is faithful to those He loves.

For every day we live, we have the opportunity to share a smile, give a kind word, make a difference.

Let's just allow God to have a peek at our hearts, change what He thinks, do what its best and keep up with our work in progress. We all live in a world in which, though not perfect, we can still be better.