Sunday, June 10, 2012

Excelling in what we do

The fact that we have a chronic condition shouldn’t be an impediment to give the best we have to offer and excel in what we do. Things are not easy, but if you are willing to go for that extra mile, your efforts will be rewarded.

Dealing with the condition makes us face symptoms like fatigue and other debilitating stages that are tied to emotional responses as well. Sometimes it is easy to get frustrated over the fact that we feel too tired to complete a task. If we let ourselves go, eventually, we will slide and become depressed and we will miss a world of stuff we used to love.

Jesus told us to act in humility, but leaving a legacy in all we do. Don’t be afraid to try and make an effort, there is a reward in challenging ourselves exceeding our own expectations. Surprise yourself with the things you’ll do.

Many lupus patients keep working after overcoming serious episodes linked to their condition. Doing the things you love, even with limitations is one definite step towards healing. By incorporating the positive into our lives, that which we are passionate about, we open ourselves to learn new lessons while touching the lives of others who will benefit from our knowledge, work and effort.

Find your reason, get out there, get active, and give the best you have to offer. This applies in all areas. Even if the condition is keeping you homebound at the moment, take back the reigns of your household, find that online course you always wanted to complete, get ready to face the world once you overcome your particular obstacle.

If you can no longer work because of the condition, then find a venue to stay active, participate in forums, write, do research, and help yourself and others. Always give.

The most important thing is to do all in love and with a heart full of gratitude. Excel in what you do, overcome, and don’t allow Lupus to define who you are.