Sunday, December 30, 2012

The use of Prednisone in Lupus Patients

Prednisone is one of those first lines of treatment administered to Lupus patients as they are initially diagnosed. Usually doctors opt to use prednisone in combination with immunosupressant.

Prednisone is one of those medications that no one likes due to side effects, which include and are not limited to weight gain, bloating in the abdominal area, propensity towards diabetes and palpitations, amongst other things.

For a lupus patient, prednisone is an easy solution that might drag in further consequences as it might develop cardiac problems and develop a propensity towards cancer in the most drastic cases. However, let's keep in mind that our doctors won't use this drug without a purpose. The main driver behind prednisone treatment is to offer immediate relief while the immunosuppressant does it job. As progress is recorded, the amount of prednisone can be decreased gradually under medical supervision.

What we can do is, modify certain things in order to avoid possible side effects, while the drug does its intended job. In my case, prednisone might lead to border line diabetes, so I watch what I eat, shutting down on foods rich in flour and sugar. At the same time it counteracts on that gaining weight effect, because it becomes minimal. I have also incorporated the use of Omega 3 oil to help with inflammation and to overcome that feeling of "prednisone withdrawal" when the medicine is regulated.

A prescription of prednisone is not a life sentence. This is one of those medications that, under a physicians supervision can be reduced to minimal dosages an even eliminated from a plan of treatment once it has served its purpose.I wish for all patients using prednisone to reap the benefits of the drug without side effects. Once your DS DNA, Sed Rate or CRP starts showing lower numbers, do not hesitate to ask your doctor about the possibility of decrease in prednisone. Of course last word resides with your physician, but this is one of those questions we tend to forget, especially when our appointments are kind of hurried.

Work along with your Doctor and let's ring on 2013 as the year Prednisone is going down!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The perfect Gift

Isaiah 9:6

“Because a child is born to us, a son is given, and a kingdom will be on his shoulders, and he will be called wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father and Prince of Peace.”


Christmas is upon us and to quote a few is the most wonderful time of the year. We flock to family gatherings and hold fast to friends, looking forward to a good time. Personally, I look forward to eat all those delicious treats I keep away from through the year.

We shop, it is madness, we will buy everything, for everyone, twice!

Anyway it is all in good spirits. In Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus (though he was not born on December 25th , but that’s another story). However sometimes, through the whole dazed and sweetly confused holiday schedule we tend to forget about the one easy, free Christmas gift we can give one and other: a personal relationship with God. The best gift of all.

Once we believe, though Christmas  is still the dearest of holidays, it is but one day in 365 to express our relationship to God and showing His love in a practical way, to be aware of His plan in our lives. Opportunities to spread joy and friendship come around on a daily basis.

For us living in the United States, this Christmas season has been darkened by a national tragedy that turn most of our hurried shopping frenzies and holiday preparations in moments of quiet contemplation. In the midst of a chaotic world, God’s presence guides us and leads us to rest upon Him, even when we face circumstances that defy all understanding. God’s perfect domain has control of everything and His love lifts us to see beyond our tears. If there is something missing, something you can do to help us all heal, follow God’s voice and join in one of many acts of kindness meant to bring us together and cope.

 To all of you who are going through a difficult Christmas, be it because of illness, the loss of a dear, close friend or relative, loneliness, depression, or any other situation; getting close to God will help you to see yourself the way He sees you, as unique, valuable, but most of all, loved.

Let’s give some thought to this, most wonderful gift. Let’s pray for those who are going through a rough road right now. Sure, we all look forward to opening gifts, but let’s also share feelings, edifying words, strength of spirit. Let’s do it in memory of Him, who encompasses perfect love and perfect trust.

 Have a wonderful Christmas and may 2013 bring you beauty and health and the drive to keep on working for the goals we set for ourselves. May all be granted through God’s perfect will.