Sunday, March 18, 2012

Strawberry Season... Yay!

It is that time of the year, supermarkets are overflowing with delicious red. Over here in Florida we are big on strawberry plantations and these delicious fruit is affordable, readily available and best of all they are very versatile!
If anything positive could be derived off Lupus is that it forced me to take a good look at my nutritional patterns and gave me the opportunity to explore healthy eating, like that share of fruits and veggies, we make a point of avoiding in our daily lives.
Fruits and veggies are full of wonderful nutrients that help us achieve a balanced lifestyle and improve our function.
In the case of strawberries, they work as anti inflammatories. Try it, one cup a day for two months, and I can guarantee, based on experience that those C Reactive protein numbers will start going down!
Strawberries, combined with other fruits will work wonders on your kidneys also. As a patient of Lupus Nephritis, it is hard looking for food and beverages that will sit well with your kidneys. However, a natural smoothie comprised on strawberries, cantaloupe, honey dew and cherries ( along with your immunosuppresants of course) can help to bring those protein counters down.
Strawberries are also great immune boosters, as we tend to lack on that aspect, because of the medications to treat our condition. They also increase HDL, (the good cholesterol).
It's strawberry time, but through the year, we have all kinds of fruits and vegetables that will help us with different aspects of our condition, so enjoy what nature has to give!
It is important though, to always check with your doctor/nutritionist in regards with any food choices, specially when you are starting to introduce them to your diet.
I'll leave you with the recipe for a Strawberry Smoothie that will do good to your kidneys and liver :) (IF YOU HAVE KIDNEY STONES STRAWBERRIES ARE NOT GOOD FOR YOU :( )
1 cup of strawberries
1 cup of honey dew
1/2 cup of cantaloupe
1 cup of cherries
(You can dilute it in 24 onzs green tea, orange juice or water, to your liking)
You can enjoy this three times a day, using an 8onz serving with each of your meals.

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