Monday, January 30, 2012

Be a Bridge over Troubled Waters

Let's take in consideration the following Scripture:
Job 4: 1-7 (NIV)



Job 4

Eliphaz reprimands Job

1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied:
2 “If someone ventures a word with you, will you be impatient?
But who can keep from speaking?
3 Think how you have instructed many,
how you have strengthened feeble hands.
4 Your words have supported those who stumbled;
you have strengthened faltering knees.
5 But now trouble comes to you, and you are discouraged;
it strikes you, and you are dismayed.
6 Should not your piety be your confidence
and your blameless ways your hope?
7 “Consider now: Who, being innocent, has ever perished?
Where were the upright ever destroyed?

Whenever the word trial is mentioned, even folks who are not much into the Bible conjure the name of Job.

Job was a fair and righteous man who was tried in ALL aspects of his life, whom God eventually restored. While he was going through his trials and tribulations, when he had hit the rock bottom of human misery, Job got to experience a bit of the "add insult to injury" approach when he was reprimanded by his friend Eliphaz. As readers, we understand that Eliphaz was wrong in his interpretation of the root of Job's tribulations, and that his words, though might have carried good intentions, were by no means what Job needed to hear. However, Eliphaz still manages to put out a couple of simple truths about his friend:

" Think how you have instructed many,
how you have strengthened feeble hands.
Your words have supported those who stumbled;
you have strengthened faltering knees.
But now trouble comes to you, and you are discouraged;
it strikes you, and you are dismayed."

How many times have we found ourselves in a situation in which we have served as rock and north for others, in which we had given support and prayer for all, however, as soon as tragedy strikes our lives, we find ourselves demoralized and receding.

Sometimes, some of us who have gone through an illness, turn for the worse, we rebuke, question, cry, forget what we have believed in, look upon the words of comfort we have given others as if they came from the lips of strangers.

In moments like these we need to step back an realize that all life events are in fact opportunities to exercise faith, to be a conduit of God to people that might be going through situations that are similar to ours.

God is the fountain of our strength and He reminds us day by day that it doesn't matter how grim the outlook, He will be with us. Sometimes, going through situations, even painful ones allows us to be in a better understanding of other people's condition.

We are bridges, and our job is to reach out, God our father went through the greatest sacrifice for our sake, to bring us to Him, we might as well pay He's beautiful gift in kindness and care for others.

Be  bridge, build beautiful memories. each time you rise above your circumstances to give a hand, to share, to listen, you are not only serving as the reflection of God's undying love, you grow as a human being.

Spread Love and Enthusiasm; it's the best way to fight disease!

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