Sunday, February 26, 2012

Steps toward Healing 2

Mark 1: 40-4140 A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.”
41 Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” 

 On our last entry we discussed how healing can come about in different phases, though instant healing was mentioned as a possibility, all details and scripture went towards a process healing. Today, however, I invite you to consider the more familiar approach to miracles the instant healing.

 The scripture above shows a person stricken by leprosy that gets close to Jesus, asking to be relieved of his misery, and Jesus shows how He is always willing to be a bridge between man and restoration and has mercy on him, imparting a healing touch.
As a personal experience I can relate to people who are going experimenting disease, we move at a whole different level than people who are healthy.  In our daily lives, we might find people who empathize, other that do not understand, our conditions. However, just like the leper, I've come to an understanding that we can never bring to question the fact that God wants us to experience healing.
The leper never doubted Jesus, he didn't ask whether the Lord could heal him, rather if he would.
If there was a moment of doubt coming from the leper, it was not because of the capabilities of Jesus, but because the man did not believe himself worthy of receiving the gift of healing.
However, Jesus did not hesitate.
 There's a lot to learn from Jesus here, especially for those of a less divine quality.

Sometimes as we struggle with chronic conditions, we face people that are neither supportive nor understanding. Just like in Bible times, when people used to link sickness to a hidden sin, people tend to come to their own conclusions. We have all heard the "it's not as rough as it looks" speech, haven't we?
People who are supportive are crucial to the healing process, we need to be more understanding, more accepting. We are not meant to push away or judge those who are suffering, God calls us to take action in their behalf, caring is like taking one's hand and walking with them through their journey.

God has never left us. Although there were instant, marvelous miracles while Jesus walked the Earth, the fountains of mercy are still flowing. I believe in science because I believe in God and the way I see it is that it is part of his plan to empower people with solutions. Next time you are given a prescription drug, take a moment to think how God allowed medicine to conquer most of our frailties in order to extend our opportunities and allow us to enjoy precious time.Think about how not so long ago lupus, for example, carried a death sentence. However, with the advance of medicine, a well treated condition can go into remission and people are able, not only to survive, but to thrive.
People might not understanding, but there no better process that that which combines science and faith. God is still touching thousand with his mercies, sometimes with a word, sometimes with medication.
I have been through quite a few treatments. The most successful are the ones I entered knowing that God is in control.
If we need healing or that sense of peace within our process, we need to start a relationship with God and allow Him to guide us in all our ways.

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